Thursday, January 7

Hook 'Em!

Is it a match made in heaven? Bryce's 7 month birthday (lucky number 7) and UT playing for the national championship on the same day...I dare say not.

Bryce and his many visits from UT football players, in order of appearance.

Bryce (and us, too!) with Brandon Collins and Eddie's to hoping ol' Brandon will make a career of football instead of crime, but that's a post for another day.

Bryce, us and TX kicker Justin Tucker.

Bryce in his game day gear, my oh my how he has changed! NOTICE: this is the same onesie he's wearing in the last picture, from today, it fit a little better back when this picture was taken!

Bryce, Caleb and UT linebacker Dustin Earnest.
Bryce and us with Colt McCoy and Adam Ulatoski just over a week before Bryce got to come home - what a farewell!

And today...Bryce and Daddy ready for the championship!Hook 'Em Horns!!!!!!!!


  1. Seriously- some of the cutest pictures I've seen! But I love the last one, Bryce totally has his game face on. I love his little hat!

  2. I am not a football fan, unless it is one of my grandsons, but these pictures, etc are great! I, too love the last picture. 2 great men!!!!!
    thanks for keeping the blog up, it is so fantastic. MIL

  3. Hey girly, so glad to see he is doing so well! Isn't it amazing to look at the pic of him with Colt and then with Caleb just below and in 8 weeks the difference of how much he has grown. Amazing little man. Enjou him being little as much as you can because in just a year he will moving and shaken and you will be wishing he was little bitty again lol. All our best.
    Janna Pokluda and family


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