Since I was last here I've continued to be pregnant! As a matter of fact, I'm 35 weeks today. Which is a huge milestone and relief for me. It means that the chances of the baby having to ever enter a NICU are greatly diminished. It also means that sooner rather than later, this baby is going to have to make an exit and I can't say I'm all to excited about that endeavor. At least the prize at the end is a good one.
I'll be starting back to weekly OB visits this week, in addition to my last two weekly nurse visits for my 17-P progesterone shots. And in addition to Bryce's 4+ hours of weekly therapy. And in addition to trying to take it easy, working as much as I can while I can and trying to get ready for another person to inhabit our home.
It feels like a mountain climb where I keep pushing and pushing but can't see much progress. It also feels like the lower half of my body belongs to someone else. My legs and hips ache constantly, sleeping is a long, lost memory and at least every other day ends with me shaking my head in shameful disbelief at the state of ridiculous fluid retention in my left foot.
But I'm not complaining.
Okay, I am and for that I sincerely apologize. As a preemie mom who never got the chance to experience these latter pregnancy woes with Bryce, I used to hate to hear women complain about being pregnant. I would wonder, aloud sometimes even, don't they know how much better being pregnant at this point is than the alternative. It's a slippery slope, y'all and I seem to be tumbling down faster than I care to acknowledge.
In Bryce news, things are moving along swimmingly. He has officially qualified for the full ELE program with Leander ISD. His ARD (admission, review and dismissal - for the program) went better than I could ever have hoped.
Although it's against my nature, I confirmed that sometimes you just have to keep asking. Ask again and again, ask in this way and that, maybe ask with a smile and then with a frown. Just don't stop asking until they get so tired of you asking that they bend over backwards to give you what you're asking for. Of course, having a very sweet, supremely cute and legitimately in-need little boy backing you up doesn't hurt.
What I'm saying is, they agreed to offer Bryce speech therapy through the ESY (extended school year - oh the acronyms!) program. This is pretty much unprecedented for a child who is not officially enrolled in the program before the end of the school year. And I do feel triumphant, I do. BUT, this speech therapy is also kind of a joke. It's 30 minutes per week for six out of seven of the summer weeks. They claim it's only a maintenance schedule meant to prevent regression and I say it's better than nothing. And not much different than the max services they offered to provide as part of the ELE program in the fall. Though at least there he also has the opportunity to learn from the other students and the added benefit of a degree holding, experienced, caring teacher who apparently has a great talent in working therapy into every part of their day's routine. Still, Bryce will continue outside therapy as much as is possible.
So, I think that about catches us up. On the horizon, the cerclage will be coming out soon. Maybe this Thursday but probably next Friday. I'm not much looking forward to that. It'll be an in-office procedure done by my OB and apparently there is a good chance I'll go into labor shortly thereafter. The doctor said that sometimes the procedure breaks your water and sometimes the cerclage is the only thing holding things together - figuratively and literally.
So I'm freaking out, trying to go around controlling things I can to make up for having no control over the things I yearn most to have control over. Being a control freak is a lot of work, people - I do not recommend it as a lifestyle choice. C'est la vie.
In an attempt to make up for some of my missed posts here are some pictures from the last month or so:
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Here I am about a week ago - 34 weeks very pregnant. |
Here's Bryce hanging out at home a few weeks ago - he's a happy boy! |
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We took Bryce to the new Play for All Abilities Park in Round Rock and are so grateful to have this place near home. |
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Bryce was in the musical horses event at his hippo therapy RED Arena riding center RODEO some weeks ago. He was the first out but the most handsome rider there. |
My mom, step mom and cousin threw me a R.E.A.L. {surprise} baby shower a couple of weekends ago! Here we all are after the party - it was a great afternoon! |