Monday, January 11

Busy Day

And Momma's beat!

We were up before the sun this morning to head out for Bryce's monthly RSV shot. No fun. Poor baby was in such a good mood, there were mirrors in the doctor's office and he was having fun looking at the baby in the mirror, playing with the crinkly paper on the bed. And then the nurse walked in and stuck him in the leg with that big bad needle. Poor Bryce went completely red in the face instantly, screaming and crying huge tears that would melt even the hardest of hearts. Fortunately for me he forgives fairly quickly. It took a couple of minutes to calm him down but he's since forgotten.

Good thing too because we had to rush home for physical therapy. That was pretty good, despite a sore baby leg. He played and cooed and bahhed at Danny, his therapist. He did not however show any interest in turning his head from his left side to look at anything Danny could conger up on his right. Therapy always wears him out and he was sound asleep before we'd left his room. Just long enough for Mommy to grab a quick bite and wash some dishes.

And before I knew it 2:30 p.m. had come around and the ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) people were here for Bryce's assessment. A nurse, case manager from Williamson County's Pride Program and speech therapist came by to determine what therapy Bryce qualifies for. They decided that he will get speech/feeding therapy once a week for awhile. A nurse will also come by twice to teach us some exercises and infant massage. They'll also be putting me in touch with a therapist to talk to about the PTSD that is the usual result of a long NICU stay. At their expense too. I'm looking forward to talking to a professional about how all of this has changed me and it can't hurt in helping me be a better mom - which is always at the top of my list.

So at the end of the day we accomplished a lot but we're exhausted. And we have another early day tomorrow. You wouldn't believe how long it takes to get me and a baby out of the house for an entire day away - add thirty degree weather and we'll be up before dawn once again.

Night, ya'll.


  1. You guys are truly amazing......

  2. Wow, a nurse comes out to our house to administer the RSV shot. Poor Bryce, what a busy day!

  3. Hi,
    I, too, have my very own Bryce Alexander (born May 2008). Came accross your blog on your amazing baby boy and just wanted to offer our prayers and encouragement. Take care, The Mitchell Family

  4. I know how you feel Bryce. Physical therapy wears me out too. What a busy day! Your mom and you have a lot to do. We love you Bryce and hope you are getting stronger and bigger each day.

    Aunt Gene

  5. Wow, you guys did have a busy day. I'm sure it's a much better pace than sitting in the NICU though!
    ECI is great! Gavin had about 9 months of speech therapy through them when he was 27 months till he turned 3. He's had tubes twice and due to the significant amount of fluid on his ears, his hearing was extremely compromised and he heard things "underwater" causing him to pronounce things like he was talking underwater. You would never know he had any speech issues now. I am so thankful for the ECI speech therapist we had. She was wonderful and Gavin LOVED her! They have so many great ideas and ways to help things that you'd never think of yourself.

  6. Wait till he gains enough weight to where he graduates to 2 shots at once. I thought blake would never stop crying after his. Thos shots are huge and when he hits a certain weight he has to get not 1 but 2 Synagis shots and they are So big they scare even me. It totally breaks your heart.

  7. I am a huge fan of the ECI. They are so great. I am glad that Bryce has so many great resources and so many that are convenient. We need to skype again!


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