As I know each and every one of you can imagine – we simply were not prepared to be here. We were still trying to imagine that we were going to be parents and that we were going to have a life dependant solely on us when Bryce decided to make his grand entrance into this world. As the parents of such a premature baby we are learning so much that it seems impossible to even think of a way to sum it up for you all here. But I’ll do my best and please feel free to ask questions as you have them – we aren’t hesitating to ask any and you may have some we haven’t thought of.
First of all, this is going to be a long haul. We are just beginning the journey of Bryce’s life and we fully expect him to grow into a strong and healthy man someday. We understand that this is not a sure thing but regardless we simply have to believe that he will make it through this one way or another.
In the meantime though we have small and large challenges to face every minute of every day. Right now, Bryce’s biggest challenge is that his lungs were simply not prepared to be breathing air so early. He is on a special respirator that pulses many times the amount of air into his lungs than would be natural for a baby to breath. They judge how well this is working based on his “chest wiggle” (a silly and oddly comforting medical term). He has had to have an artificial surfactant given to him three times now and each time is quite a production. He did not respond well to his last dose and so we are hoping it will truly be his last. Surfactant is a protein that a baby develops in their lungs anywhere from about 26-32 weeks of gestation. But luckily our bodies are immensely intelligent and once a baby breaths air surfactant production usually begins on its own within 2-3 days. We are still waiting to see how this goes.
Additionally, we discovered today through an ultrasound of his heart that he has an PDA (see here for an animated diagram of a heart and the PDA’s function). The doctors and nurses had hoped it would be small to medium but it is large and very concerning. They have decided that the best course of action is to prescribe Endocrin to help close the PDA so that his heart can begin properly routing blood to his lungs and body separately. These things are hard to understand and even harder to explain so I apologize if it is unclear. We will start the Endocrin today and he will have 3 doses (to start with at least). We will do another scan on Friday and hopefully his PDA will be closed. The major side effect of this treatment is that it has been shown to cause bowel preforation. The alternate though is Ibuprofen which has been linked to brain bleeding. Bowel preforation is a preferable possibility to the latter and so determined the use of the Endocrin. Fortunately, bowel preforation can sometimes close on its own and luckily it is only a possibility.
One thing we have certainly learned is that there are many, many possibilities to everything and any decision that effects one effects them all. We are simply determined to put our hearts and hopes into all of the possible positive effects there are and to deal with the others as they make themselves known.
On a more positive note…Houston we have milk! I am so grateful to be able to offer just one bit of help to my son and it was so important to me that I be able to provide him with this source of nourishment, antibodies, immunity and of course love.
I could not have done it without the help of the amazing ladies here at Dell – Nicole and Amanda, my lactation consultants have been here to answer all of my questions and provide so much positive encouragement. Kerby, our day nurse for the last three days, has been so supportive – whether it be with a smile, an explanation, or a pumping kit when mine is short on supplies.
My heart feels as if it has grown exponentially in these last days. I have more love for Bryce than I ever thought would be possible to have for anyone or anything. I also have a whole new part of my heart devoted to the wonderful doctors, nurses and staff here in the Dell Children’s Center NICU.
I know I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it a million times more, thank you for all of your well wishes, your prayers and thoughts, visits and texts, calls and love! We love you all too!
I tried to add some pictures but the internet is here is going a little slow so I’ll add them later today- promise!
Comments from Wordpress blog:
Trina and Caleb, you guys are amazing, and so is little Bryce. He is a precious child, and, as I said when I saw him, it is obvious he is a fighter.
I’m so happy your milk came in! I know that has been frustrating, but now it will give you a way to feel like you are actively doing something to help him (even though every thing you have done for the last 4 days… no the last 6 months, has been to help him.
Love you!
BusyDad (
I know you don’t know me, but I just wanted to offer you and your family words of encouragement, from one parent to another. The little guy is already a fighter. More than a lot of adults could even say.
Loukia (
Hi there, I don’t personally know you, but was sent here from your friends blog – just wanted to let you know that you and your baby are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong for your little darling baby. God bless you guys… this can’t be easy to go through. I’m so sorry.
OHmommy (
T sent me over. I will keep you and sweet Bryce in our prayers.
Marty Dale:
Katrina, I am a friend and former co-worker of your mothers, and just wanted to let you know that we all are wishing the best for you and your family.
I am impressed how great a job you are doing in keeping a positive attitude amid the constant amount of pressures and changes that are continuing. I just want to let you know that the thoughts and prayers of myself and my family are there.
The Dales
Aunt Grace:
Trina thank you for all the information on baby Bryce-send more pictures as soon as you can.
Perla has put Bryce on St. Theresa world wide prayer line.
All our love and prayers to Bryce, you, Caleb and Grandma Norma.
- From Richard, Vicki, Perla, Bob and all of us.
Auntie Traci (
What a gorgeous piece of perfection. Thank you a million times over for these pictures!! All my love.
PS it wouldn’t hurt for you to know that all of San Antonio is now praying for Team Moline. Bobo has dedicated entire masses. Every word helps.
Auntie Traci (
Babies make it through this!! I spent so long yesterday on the March of Dimes website studying up. He is beautiful, I can’t wait to get my (not seeming so large) hands onto that tiny baby of perfection.
Jackie & Dennis Pulley:
ReplyDeleteHello Katrina, Caleb, Little Bryce and Ms. Norma,
We’re sorry Little Bryce had a tough grand entrance, but there is no doubt in our minds that he has a strong will (like his grandma Norma) and one day you’ll blink your eyes and he will be an 18 year old young man out to conquer the world. He has great things in store for him. A wonderful loving family, all of the loving friends that are part of the village it takes to raise a child and of course we can never forget God that is looking over Little Bryce and encouraging him to become stronger every day.
Little Bryce has the best medical staff possible to take care of his every need, and a family that loves him unconditionally. But, all of you (Katrina, Caleb, Norma) have got to take care of yourselves so that you can give all of your love to Bryce.
God Bless all of you and be assured that you have all of our love to help you through your journey.
We worked with Norma at Centex and we love her very much, so it goes without saying that the three of you have our love also.
- Jackie, Dennis, Jacob and Noah Pulley
Wow! He sure was in a hurry to take on the world. All three of you are in our thoughts and prayers. I would love to visit on Friday afternoon. Please let me know if that is OK.
The Slaughter Gang:
We heard about little Bryce’s birth and we just want you guys to know we love you and we are praying for you. Please let Mike and I know if there is anything AT ALL we can do for you. Whether it’s walking the dogs or laundry, I will be more than happy to help. There are special angels that watch over babies like Bryce. We Love You and God Bless!
The Banasau’s:
Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your families… and especially little Bryce. Such a precious miracle you both have.
Shawna (
Baby Bryce ,
I am gathering all the prayers I can for you. You are in so many peoples hearts. You keep up your fight and strength and know you are so very loved by so many people.
Love & Prayers
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKatrina and Caleb,
ReplyDeleteWhat a precious little miracle you have and such a blessing. He is so small but so strong. We are praying for you and your family. If you need anything please let us know. Love you guys and thanks for keeping us posted.
Candi and Eric
Hi, I came over via Smart Ass Mom and wanted to know my prayers and thoughts are with you. My cousin, Kevin, was born back in 1992 at 1 lb 10oz. He was also born at 24 weeks gestation. After many ups and down he was finally sent home from the hospital on his due date. And now he's a teenage punk :) I would imagine that almost 17 years of medical progression will make Bryce's experience even more hopeful.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, I'm a reader from your friend Smart Ass Mom's blog. I've just had a preemie myself he was a bit older gestationally than Bryce, but he's doing great. He's almost 8 months old. So hang in there and there's a family in Southern AZ thinking of you and yours.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, I received a prayer request from a friend of your friend Nina. My grandmother was born in 1880 and weighed 1 lb. 8 oz., her father was a country doctor in the hills of East Tennessee. I am not quite sure how they were able to care for her, but she lived to be 79 and give birth to 9 children. The story goes that her head fit inside a teacup and they pinned her diaper to a pillow to keep up with her. May God bless you and your family and may little Bryce live a long full life!!