Wednesday, July 18

Gage Christopher

I'm happy to report that last Monday afternoon, July 9th at 1:49 p.m., I gave birth to our newest family addition.  Gage Christopher was born weighing 6 pounds, 10 ounces at 18 3/4" long.

It was a truly "normal" birth experience and a short 26 hours later we brought baby Gage home with us.  We're still reeling from the changes, struggling with the usual sleep and breastfeeding issues and trying to accept this blessing as a reality.

It all seems very surreal.  And I don't think that is just the sleep deprivation talking.

The above photo is of Gage one week old.  Here are a couple more to help you get to know our new little guy:

Me & Bryce - I was already in labor when this picture was taken early Monday morning.

Bryce meeting his new little brother for the first time.

Bryce & Gage

Baby Gage already "holding" his paci
Unfortunately, I made it one day shy of full term so I'm officially a repeat offender (multiple preemie babies).  But that's okay because we got 6+ pounds of healthy baby boy to show for it.

Thanks to everyone for all of your love, support and prayers throughout my 36 weeks of pregnancy.  I couldn't have done it without you guys!!


  1. Wow! Babies just make everything better!

  2. Congratulations!! I've been blog stalking to see if your newest arrival had made his appearance yet. He's beautiful, just like his brother.

  3. Yay! That's awesome stuff. Congratulations! He is a beautiful miracle.

  4. Congrats to you guys! He is adorable! I've been sick since last week, so we haven't ventured over...but we are dying to meet him! Love to you all!
    Montoya Family

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congratulations Katrina! I'm so happy for your family. Gage will not only be Bryce's baby brother but he will be Bryce's forever friend :)

  7. Woot, turns out there wasn't much to catch up on because your world was similarly busy! It does seem odd to me that the girls at 36&1 count as "preemies". I've always thought Chiron even was a bit of a fake preemie at 29&6 because he had it so relatively easy...


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