And for those who don't know already, I'm sorry for the late update but I am not having my cerclage placed this morning.
A nurse practitioner, but more importantly, dear friend of ours, called me Monday morning and gave me some insight into the risks of having the cerclage placed by an inexperienced OB. I, unfortunately, had no clue that there was a likelihood that the cerclage could be ineffective if placed improperly. I had been led to believe by the OB I saw last week that a cerclage is a cerclage and as long as no complications occurred during the surgery it would be all that it could be. Kind of like the Army.
But my friend has some personal experience with ineffective cerclages placed in a friend's cervix, resulting in the tragic loss of one baby in the second trimester and, bless her heart, even another in the third. As you can imagine, that little bit of information just put me over the edge.
I called Caleb immediately and explained my conversation with our friend. He was quick to say he was happy I was going to seek alternatives because he had a "bad feeling" about the other OB. Poor guy knows how stressed out I am and probably weighed the added stress of insisting I find another option against his bad feeling and decided it better to keep quiet. Sorry, hon.
So the search for an alternative began. And it was a full day of phone calls on Monday that finally resulted in my appointment yesterday morning with the intake nurse at Scott & White's Round Rock clinic. I wasn't expecting much from them, considering my other experience with S/W so far, and was really concerned about further delaying the procedure that was already 5 days and counting behind the "ideal placement for optimum effectiveness" as per the perinatologist I'd seen at North Austin Maternal Fetal Medicine. But I felt I had little other option and hadn't actually canceled my procedure or pre-op yet.
The nurse blew me away. Maybe it was because I told her Bryce's birth story and then showed her two pictures of him - one of the night he was born and one of him eating a push pop last week with the sweetest grin he could possibly muster for a mother constantly taking pictures of him. Who could resist this sweet face?
And remember this? {Seems like just yesterday and a million years ago all at once.}
She immediately left the office and asked every nurse and OB available in the office what the best thing to do was. She genuinely cared and clearly understood my concern for the situation. I know that there are distinct limitations to what people can do, especially when it comes to doctors and specialists and surgery scheduling. But I just wanted someone to try and she did. Thank you, Laurie!
And so did the OB's in the office - they told her they wouldn't touch my cervix with ... I don't know, something you don't touch a cervix with....until that cerclage was safely placed by a perinatologist. I knew they didn't have one here and I had come to terms with the fact that I would likely be driving to Temple. But the peri. they suggested is, of course, on vacation this entire week. Laurie promised me she would call his nurse, send my records and plead my case first thing this morning when she was scheduled to be back, in an effort to get me on his surgery schedule Monday.
And so I left the office equally uneasy and relieved. And not one hour later Laurie called to say that she found another peri. office at the S/W clinic in Temple who could get me in on Friday. So to Temple I go on Friday.
I'm still waiting to hear back if I need to have someone drive me Friday because we could be in surgery or if I can go alone. Since my appointment isn't until 1:20 p.m. I'm assuming the latter but my gut feeling about this whole waiting game is getting increasingly bad.
That could be a result of my intense mom desire to do everything possible for this baby, to make no mistake and have no regrets. Or it could be that same sixth sense that regularly woke me in the night the weeks and months after Bryce was born and was fighting so hard to survive.
I've been trying with all my might to stop weighing pros and cons, stop second guessing my decision to cancel the cerclage today and stop wondering how I'll deal with it if it turns out that waiting was the wrong decision. I went to work yesterday after the appointment, I got up early and cleaned the kitchen today, I am going to tackle laundry and meet Bryce's new occupational therapist and do my best to distract my whirling mind from the omnipresent questioning that is plaguing it.

I am so glad for your friend with both the knowledge and the willingness to speak up! I knew in the back of my head that a poorly placed could make rupturing more likely, but I didn't know that it could just be effective! And the thought hadn't worked its way forward.
ReplyDeleteAnd so happy for the nurse who took the time to understand the situation, appreciate what you knew and had been through and gave the time and the effort to get a better option.
Do you know what OB you will be working with along with the perinatologist during the pregnancy?
I know you must be anxious and nervous and upset, but I am really so happy and glad for all that has happened in the last week and am just praying and hoping and thinking of all of yall.
Happy thoughts on the new OT too!
Also, I know you probably have people that can do it, but if coordinating Bryce care and you would be made better by having someone outside of your normal immediate caregivers take you, I can work my schedule to take you Friday. Looks like I can have the whole day from pre-dawn to night available if that would be in any way helpful.
Thanks for the update!
Thanks, Sweetie! My dad has already been booked to do Bryce's therapy on Friday and I think my mom will be able to take me if I need someone to. Wish I knew what to expect. As a matter of fact, I think I'll call again right now.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'll be working with Dr. Fernandez here at S/W RR - chose him because he's the director of the OB/Gyn clinic here and the most experienced option over all. But I haven't met him yet :-/
Hang in there, mamacita.
ReplyDeleteI've had 2 cerclages for the added piece of mind they offer. (Not at once,but now that I think of it...) Hope the procedure goes well and you get many, many weeks of benefit.
You made a good choice. You're a smart cookie.
It sounds like you have a great friend and also that some amazing people have been placed in your life in the right place and at the right time....and that is no coincedence.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing everything you can to take care of your child and you can't doubt what your gut is telling you.
We will continue to pray for you and Caleb and Brice and his little brother or sister!
Good luck on Friday!
ReplyDeleteWe are praying that all goes well. We love you and are thinking about you. Hug that cute Bryce for us. I am so glad that people are so caring. Aunt Gene
ReplyDeleteLots of love kisses and blessings
Z, Erica and Nick
This Louisiana family misses ur lots.