Saturday, December 26

Merry Christmas

Bryce decided his Christmas gift to us would be abundant smiles! We are so excited to see him smiling more and more everyday, especially after that first smile wasn't repeated for almost a week! We were wondering if it was some sort of fluke.

Well, I've got proof this smile is no fluke and pure genuine. It's truly the best Christmas gift we could ever have asked for. Of course, we were entirely too shocked by months of the crazy unknown to think of asking for such a thing.

I'm so sorry that I haven't kept up with the blog better since we've been home. We were talking today and realized we've been home for six weeks now - how is that possible? But my New Year's resolution is to post more often. Writing this blog and reading your comments is without a doubt what has gotten me through the most trying time of my life. I need to respect that process. Plus I miss you guys!!

I hope everyone out there had a most wonderful Christmas. Just being home with Bryce has been the best Christmas ever and makes me wonder how much better they'll be every year as baby Bryce grows into our little boy and discovers the wonder of Christmas for himself. I can't wait to make that as special as possible for him. Children are after all the best part of Christmas.

Here's a parting Christmas gift from our family to yours...


  1. He is seriously way to cute!! I can't believe how big he's gotten. I love his smile, what a handsome little man you've got there!

  2. this brought tears to my eyes. he is so handsome! what a precious smile. thanks for sharing!!

  3. Baby smiles are the best! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  4. Bryce, your smile is wonderful. I so wish I could see you. We had a nice Christmas,but seeing you would make it even brighter. Timmy talks about you all the time, and wishes he could see you. We loved your picture on the Christmas card.

    Aunt Gene

  5. Well Bryce,You sure know how to make an old lady smile and cry at the same time.I have been so busy that I haven't read your blog in awhile.I'm ashamed of myself.But,boy what a sweet,sweet suprise when I finally found the time to visit.Your killer smile melted my heart.With all that is going on in this old world today,sometimes it is enough to make you wonder about things.Then when you get to a very low place.I see you and your sweet smile.It makes me think back to your begining and I know that God has been busy working his miracles again.I never doubted for a minute that you would become a fine little boy.But to see such a sweet Christmas smile has lifted my heart and spirits once again.That is worth more than gold to those who know your story.I am sure your mommy and daddy would agree.So Bryce when I need a lift for a sagging spirit I will look for your smile to renew my soul.God bless you and your mommy and daddy.And to God I give my thanks for letting me witness such a miracle baby boy.

  6. Wow, he looks like a little man. What a cutie pie! We really need to come and see him!

  7. He is just too cute! That little smile is going to get him out of a lot of trouble as he continues to grow!

  8. Seeing his sweet little face smiling and reading about him getting off his oxygen during the day brings tears of joy to my eyes! SO happy that Bryce is doing well and yes, keep us posted on his progress. We LOVE reading all the good news and seeing such cute pictures!

    Bristelle and Joel

    P.S. I passed along your blog link to a friend and her family. Her sister, Jennifer, just had a baby boy, Kolby, at 25 weeks. If anyone from their family contacts you via the blog, they got the link from me. They're not crazy internet stalkers or anything!

  9. holy yumminess!!! He is too much!

  10. I'm so excited you're getting those sweet smiles now. Absolutely adorable. He's such a cutie! I remember talking to you about it when we came to visit and it was bumming you out.

    He just didn't want you to get your Christmas present early.



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