Monday, August 17

Special Visitors

We had a couple of special visitors today! Bryce's Great Aunt Rhoda and Great Uncle Chuck came by today to see how he's growing. It's been a few weeks since they were here and they were so pleased to see he's bigger and more alert than ever. He opened his eyes wide open for them and they even got to witness a temper tantrum as he was having his diaper changed.

Of course, neurology just came by as well. Bryce's weekly head ultrasound was this morning. It hasn't officially been read by the neurologist yet but the neurology nurse practioner reviewed it and said it looks mostly the same as last week. She was pleased with his growth and surprisingly said she thought we might be able to set up Bryce's VP shunt. We are excited because it means there is a chance this could be the last time we have to take him down to the OR but hesitant because it's a new, more complicated procedure.

I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself though because it can all change in the blink of an eye.


  1. Oh, I hope he is able to get the VP! His sweet little head. We'll be praying for his weight to keep increasing. Keep up the good work Bryce!

    All Our Love,
    Jeff, Mary and Adalyn

  2. WOW, you guys have come so far. We can't wait until you can take him home so we can meet him. What a little fighter. We love you guys!

  3. Bryce,

    It is so great to see the pictures of you in your big bed. We love you and miss you. We hope to see you soon. Way to go. I am so glad to see you so big and strong.

    Aunt Gene

  4. I,m a big boy in a big boy bed oh yeah....I am cool!!!!



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