YEAH! Bryce began full feeds yesterday. Full feeds means he is getting all of his necessary nutrients from my milk! This is so exciting for us because it shows he is able to tolerate my milk and process it quickly enough to eat every three hours just like a full term new born would do. They're even adding a protein fortifier to his milk which adds 2 whole calories to each feeding for a grand total of 22. I liken the fortifier to a free boost from Jamba Juice - it's a little powder they mix in to make it even just a little more healthy than it already, naturally is.
He was on the full feeds all of yesterday and last night and has had little to no residuals. Every time the nurse feeds Bryce she puts a syringe on his feeding tube (that goes down his throat into his tummy) and pulls back to see what, if anything, hasn't yet been processed from his last feeding. The first sign of feeding intolerance is "high residuals" but Bryce hasn't had any!
Unfortunately, Bryce's surgery is tomorrow and so he will have no food for 4 hours prior. We're not yet sure what time they will schedule the surgery for and probably won't know until this afternoon sometime. After he comes back from surgery and begins to wake up - a couple more hours - then they will likely start him back on half the amount of food he is getting now. If he tolerates that first feeding after surgery well then they'll probably go right back to full feeds every three hours with the very next feeding.
Caleb and I hope and pray that baby Bryce tolerates this surgery as well as he did the last. If he can come back on about the same ventilator settings as he leaves for surgery on (like he did last time) then the docs will most likely try to extubate him to CPAP again sometime around Friday. And if he comes back and goes pretty much right back to full feeds he'll be even bigger and stronger on Friday - and hopefully better equipped to stay on CPAP than he was last time. He's already so much bigger than just the week before last when they tried the first time. But only time will tell.
My sincere apologies for taking the weekend off from updates. We were so busy between the hospital and visiting with Caleb's brother while we still can. We also managed another "vacation" to home on Saturday evening. It was our most relaxing yet, maybe because we cooked and cleaned and so it genuinely felt like home. Of course, walking into the NICU feels more like home than any other place right now. When we're not at the hospital all we think about is being there. We laid in our seeminly gigantic bed on Saturday night, where there is an ocean between us (so nice!) and imagined Bryce laying there with us some day. I cried.
There is simply nothing in the world I want more than to take our little bundle of cuteness home with us. And I can finally say that I feel in my heart we will get there, we are all going to make it to that glorius day. And as G2 said so many weeks ago - we'll break out the brass band the day Bryce goes home!
How fantastic on the full feeds! He is getting so big and strong! I will pray for y'all tomorrow as he heads to surgery and that he comes back doing well. I'll cross my fingers for the CPAP too!
Got errands to run.but this is great news.I'll be back and write an "atta boy" note to my little friend later.I'll be skipping while I do my errands I'm so happy.God bless.
ReplyDeleteHugs and prayers
Granny Spriggs
We will pray that everything goes well with surgery and recovery. Get here quickly friday!!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful, know I'm praying for a successful surgery & quick recovery!!!
ReplyDeleteAunt Megan needs to see some pics! Heh hum!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful! That mommy milk is going to make him so strong. The day you will all 3 lay in bed together will be here before you know it!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, more pics, more pics please. We want to see how much bigger he is.
ReplyDeleteTruly great news! Bryce sounds wonderful and will have so much strength going in to surgery tomorrow. We'll be praying for the doctors and for a successful and quick recovery for Bryce! I hope you both feel a little renewed from your visit home. I'm so happy to hear that you are able to take some time for yourselves. I have no doubt that your bed will soon be filled with the three (maybe five) of you and you will be washing spit-up off your sheets weekly! We still have the saxophone, so let us know when to show up. We'll play away!!
ReplyDeleteThis is fantastic news! You'll be taking him home before you know it. The other 3 furry kids will definately want to sniff him and check him out. Bryce's life will be filled with ample hugs, kisses, and sweet little licks from every member of your family. I know I can't wait to squeeze him. I agree with Melody, we NEED more pics. I want to see that big handsome boy.
ReplyDeleteIt breaks my heart to hear about Shane. My eyes tear up just thinking about it. Please give Caleb a big hug for me and let everyone know I'm thinking of them and praying for them.
To my sweet adopted family,I just want to say good night.And that you all will be in my prayers as always.I'm praying that God will heal the pain I know that Caleb and his family are going through.I ask that sweet Bryce will continue to do well.And that his surgery will be the last time they have to do this.I know in my heart he is well on the way to going home to his own room so his furry friends can watch over him.I saw some "Muscle Milk" today and it made me think ,Bryce needs some of that.(smile)I think the good Lord is getting used to me asking for blessings and favors for my new best little buddy.And from the way things are going I think he (God) finds it a pleasure to answer my prayers.Especialy for such a fine little boy and his family.So as I go to God in prayer tonight I have no doubt that things will go well tomorrow and in the days to come.Bryce,I hope you rest well and know that you are loved very much by lots of folks.But an old granny in Houston loves you too.Good night and God bless.
Granny Spriggs
Love you Bryce see you in the morning. Sweet dreams.