Friday, May 7

What, Where & When for Tomorrow's March for Babies

Hello team BAM walkers,

I can't believe it but the March for Babies 2010 is TOMORROW! I know everyone probably has questions about where to go, when to be there, etc. so I've tried to include all of the necessary information below. If I left something out please don't hesitate to call, text or email me.

Also, if you are planning to walk tomorrow but haven't registered/signed up as a walker with our team yet please take a minute to do so. You don't have to pay to walk and you can register kids, babies and dogs too. The Austin chapter of the March of Dimes will be allocated certain national funds based on the number of registered walkers we have - so the more the better!
Please go here to register now.

Where do I park? You may park in the Palmer Events Center Garage, One Texas Center Garage, and at the Austin Convention Center. You will want to bring cash to park in the parking garage. It costs $7.00 to park and having exact change will make the lines go faster.
~Attached you will find parking details, directions, a site map, and the route map.~

What time should I get there? I suggest you aim to be at the walk no later than 8:30 am. I know the walk doesn’t start until 9:30am, but we want to allow plenty of time to meet up before the walk. Traffic is likely going to be bad with all the road closures.
~I have attached a schedule of events for the day of the walk.~

Where do I go once I get there? To the Family Teams Tent! Come by the tent before the walk to meet up with team BAM!, take pictures, chat and enjoy the shade.

Where do I get my team BAM t-shirt? Meet me before the walk at the Family Teams Tent and I will have your shirts. Please remember that if you haven't paid for your shirt yet but it did get ordered you will need to bring cash or check (payable to Katrina Moline) for $25 per shirt.
~I have included a list of the t-shirts that were ordered but haven't been paid for yet at the end of this email.~

Do I need to go to the Registration Tent? The only reason that you will need to go to the Registration Tent the day of the walk is to turn in money. I will have everyone's tshirts so only go to the registration tent if you have cash and/or checks you need to turn in. Otherwise, you do not need to stand in line. Instead, join us at the Family Teams Tent and let the kids color before the walk.

What should I wear? We live in Texas so it is probably going to be HOT!!!! The forecast shows partly cloudy with a high of 85°. So dress comfortably in shorts, tennis shoes, hats, sunglasses and don’t forget your sunscreen! There will be water along the walk route to help keep you hydrated, but feel free to bring our own beverages and snacks. Please remember we will walk rain or shine!

Where do I go for the stroller & wagon decorating contest? If you want to compete in the stroller and wagon decorating contest go to the Family Teams Tent after the walk. Phoebe Reed of Stroller Strides will be judging the contest at11:15am. This year’s theme is small feet, BIG hearts! Prizes will be awarded for best theme, most creative, and most spirit. I will have some balloons, etc. on Bryce's stroller as well as extras for team BAM! walkers but we will not be competing. ~Please see the attached flyer for more details on the contest.~

What time is the car raffle drawing? The winner of the Mazda Tribute graciously donated by Austin Area Mazda Dealers will be announced at 12:00pm. The March of Dimes will be selling tickets the day of the walk until 11:30am. They are $20 each or three for $50.

Will there be food and drinks? The Austin chapter of the March of Dimes will be making hotdogs this year. Each walker will receive 1 hotdog. Please note that there are no other meal options, so please feel free to bring your own snacks, meals, and drinks! There will be water available on the walk route as well as under the Family Teams Tent.

Will there be activities for kids? Yes! There will be inflatable bounce houses, clowns making balloons & face painting.

Can I bring my dog? Of course you may bring your four legged family member, but please make sure that they are on a leash, you bring water for them, and pick up after them if they make a mess.

Please do not hesitate to call, text or email if you need anything! I can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Katrina Moline
team BAM!

Telephone: (512) 293-4445

March of Dimes is the champion for babies.

T-shirts Not Yet Paid For:

Danny (L)
Jessica (S, 2T, 2T)
Jennifer (12 mo)

I will have these with me tomorrow for pick up - can't wait to see you all in them :-)


  1. Thanks for all the great info!! You are the best! See you in the morning :)


  2. Enjoy the walk! We're so sorry to miss it, but will be there in spirit, that's for sure.

    Love to you all!


Don't be shy, let us know you stopped in!