Wednesday, July 8

Bryce hasn't had any of the paralytic medicine since 6 am (wore off hours ago), still on 70% oxygen, not low but better, let's hope he's turning it around!!!!!!


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you always! I can't even begin to imagine the past several days you have had to deal with. Try to keep your spirits high and we're all here praying and giving you all the strength, hope, and love that we can.


  2. Remember the moral of the story of the tortise and the hare? Slow and steady wins the race... I'm glad to hear Bryce is moving in the right direction and continue to pray for more improvements.

    Our hearts are hurting along with yours as the two of you struggle to make such difficult choices. We pray for strength, guidance and peace as you make decisions concerning Bryce's precious little life.

    Thank you for sharing so openly and allowing us the privledge of praying for such a sweet baby and his incredible parents.

    Bristelle and Joel

    P.S. Everyone at the Church at Bee Cave is praying for Bryce!

  3. Our prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

    Chand & Jeanne Pierce

  4. Come on Baby Bryce, you can do it!!! I believe in you baby!


  5. Trina,
    I am so happy that he is having a better day. Keep fighting Bryce.



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