Thursday, December 1

December Already

This year has seemed to fly by even quicker than the last. I can't believe it's already December and time for Christmas preparations. It seems like just yesterday we were visiting Dr. Fasci for Bryce's first developmental assessment. But alas that was September and our 3 month follow up is this Friday.

I'm looking forward to bragging about how Bryce now can put a ball into a ball drop toy and will actually - occasionally - hand you an object. It's the little things in our house that get us giddy with pride!

The increased speech therapy has afforded us some new perspective and though "up" is still Bryce's only official word, he is making an obvious effort to sign and communicate more. I only hope he doesn't get too frustrated by how difficult it is before his communication improves.

And to further prove the lightning fast passing of time, in just two short weeks I'll be celebrating my 32nd birthday with a visit to Dell for Bryce's next round of Botox injections.

Although I'm so excited about the gross motor skills improvement we've seen since the last injections three months ago and hopeful for fine motor improvement with the higher dose to his right hand planned for this round - I still get that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when a visit to Dell's surgery center is imminent. Of course, it doesn't help that i still have awful flashbacks of holding him as they put him under last time and this time it'll just be me with Bryce. Oh the things a mother does.


  1. There's some irony in your kid getting Botox on your birthday.

    I've gotta say, he looks great in the pictures!

    Have fun with Dr. Fasci, I like that her appointments are like play.

  2. Bryce is getting so big! He is such a cutie.

    What day are you all scheduled to go? If my mom can watch my kids, I'd be happy to go with you as some support.

  3. Good luck with the appointment! Im sorry that you have such a stressful experience scheduled for your birthday. Youre such a good mom. Bryce is just amazingly cute and Im thrilled that you continue to see improvement in his dEvelopment.


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